Press Release For Thanksgiving By Noel Empraw
For Immediate release :
Title: ThanksgivingArtiste : Noel Empraw
Twitter/Instagram : @noelempraw
Nigeria's concious-rap sensation Noel Empraw with real name Noel Onoja has continued to bless the music industry with his creativity.
AMG Entertainment Media, yesterday announced on social media @AMGEntMedia that the song 'ThanksGiving' will be Noel Empraw's first official single for the year 2016 heralding the premiere of his debut album titled 'NoMudNoLotus'.
In this New Song titled "Thanksgiving" off his forthcoming album "No Mud No Lotus" Noel Empraw delivers an art of gratitude embedded in the body of the song, showcasing his singing attributes matched with thought-rendering rap verses.
'ThanksGiving' is a song you play everyday for as long as you enjoy good music with an attitude of gratitude for everything good (and even bad).
Noel Empraw has continued to be consistent with the ingenuity of his creative skills - something of a pride to African hiphop and by extension the rest of the globe, its a message of Love, Hope and Contentment. Great Music!
You all should look out for this awesome good music, it drops massively
Anticipate #ThanksgivingByNoelEmpraw
Press Release For Thanksgiving By Noel Empraw
Reviewed by Unknown
January 10, 2016

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